Graphic Design


Graphic design utilizes lettering and images composed in various layouts and styles, to give a specific look with the intention of giving the viewer a certain feeling and communicate an idea or message. With T-shirt designs, the idea is usually the former, to look good. This often is done with a look that is unique to stand out from the crowd since there are so many designs on shirts already, and many more coming out all the time.

When having a graphic designed, you want to seek an artist who is not only skilled enough to create the design you have in mind, but also has the design sensibility to make sure you and they are on the same page, and it also doesn’t hurt that they will be able to put in their own touches to add to the design too. can help manage your artwork job just like it does with production type jobs. You can enter your orders like you would any other order, with all details of your design order. You can also include files on each order so you don’t lose the files and easily locate them in the future. Link your account with your customer or broker, and they can easily check the status and you can share files swiftly and easily also. You will be glad you entered your job in the future when you need to go back and access information for a variety of reasons.

We are located in Southern California, and work closely with our customers to ensure you are heard and make the website as user friendly as possible. Our friendly customer service is always happy to assist and help you accomplish what you are needing to track with our site, and make it as efficient as possible.

You can easily call or email us at:

Call: (909) 605-6887

Email: [email protected]

Productivity-Enhancing Features


- Production scheduling

- Link jobs to your clients and vendors

- Track weekly and daily productivity

- Step-by-step production status updates

- File storage


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