Are you looking to set up a website for your screen printing shop? This is an excellent way to reach more customers, and also to established yourself as a legitimate business. In these times you cannot be credible without at least a simple website with your basic information.
First, you will want to find a credible and affordable website designer or website service. Figure out what you want the website to look like first so you can make sure they can accomplish what you are envisioning. If you are doing this, you will want to make sure it at least is something you can be proud. A website is a symbol of your company. You want it to look good to make your company look good.
After you have that set-up, you will want to find an SEO specialist to help you get the most of your site. This can help reach potential customers in your area find you more effectively. They can even help you get into ads such as google ads, and help you not waste too much money in doing this also.
Make sure your website has your basic contact information as minimum. From there, you can list your pricing rates, making sure to list proper pricing. Adding pictures and staff bio is also a great way to make your website more personal and give your customer confidence that you can be trusted with their orders. Just put yourself in the customer’s shoes. With all the options available out there, what would make you feel like going with your company as opposed to your competitors?
In conclusion, even if what you are doing is not technically digital or internet-friendly, you should have a website that is. Just make sure to make your contact info easy to see and find so the customer can contact you with their questions, and you got it from there!
- Production scheduling
- Link jobs to your clients and vendors
- Track weekly and daily productivity
- Step-by-step production status updates
- File storage
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