

The embroidery process is one that can take some getting used to. Experience is everything when it comes to learning how to master the embroidery process.

Digitizing: This is the artwork file that is used for embroidery. The file is fed to the embroidery machine, and will tell the machine how to sew out the design, including sequencing, density, pull compensation, underlay, etc. Make sure you get someone who is experienced to create the digitized file (hint: try our other company: Copyartwork.com)

Machine settings: Even with properly digitized artwork, if your embroidery machine is not set up properly, you may have issues. Bobbin thread tension is one that can cause issues if not set properly, and there are other settings like trim, etc.

Machine maintenance: You need to take care of your embroidery machine if you want it to take care of you. Read your user’s manual and follow it. In the case you need repairs, make sure to get someone certified, as these machines are too expensive to mess around with people who don’t really know what they are doing.

Hooping and Backing: Use the hoop appropriate to the design size, and garment type (flat material or structured cap material). The hoop needs to be tight and centered properly. You also want to use proper backing. Typically heavy weight backing is best for stable embroidery, but there are different types like cut away and tear away. These are crucial to ensure the material does not shift when the design is being sewn out, you don’t want that.

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